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Article: A Spring (Reading) Break

A Spring (Reading) Break

¨Reading is a vacation for the mind¨ - Dave Barry
Que mejor manera de tomar un ¨Break¨ que leyendo un buen libro. Estes en tu casa, en la playa, o en la nieve, siempre habrá tiempo para leer. No solo esta comprobado que baja el estrés, sino que es un medio de entretenimiento de muy bajo costo. Pero...¿Ya sabes que tipo de libro quieres leer estas vacaciones? Te recomendaremos un par de libros para leer esta temporada con sus links para que los puedan comprar.
1. John Dreamer de Elise Celine
Definitivamente nuestro #1 es John Dreamer, ¿A quién no le gusta un buen libro lleno de intriga? Es el libro ideal para pasar el tiempo, no es muy largo y no vas a soltarlo hasta terminarlo; es de esos libros que cuando lo terminas no puedes evitar soltar una sonrisa. Definitivamente un MUST para estos días. 
Andy wasn’t usually sure about much, but she was absolutely certain this was the weirdest day of her life as she stood stranded in the middle of a great white room with six strangers. Well, they were mostly strangers. She could have sworn she’d seen the guy with the green eyes before, and maybe that was why he kept staring at her. When a man calling himself the Guardian appeared and said they had come to make their deepest dreams come true, they embark on an adventure none of them ever imagined—where anything is possible—and the consequences of their actions would change them forever.
Si siempre te has preguntado por que hay personas que pagan tanto dinero por piezas de arte moderno como Pollock y Warhol nuestro libro #2 es para ti, lleno de datos que te van a impactar, y piezas que no sabias que existían, al terminarlo definitivamente tus visitas a museos cambiaran totalmente.
2. The 12 Million Dollar Stuffed Shark by Don Thomson


Why would a smart New York investment banker pay $12 million for the decaying, stuffed carcass of a shark? By what alchemy does Jackson Pollock’s drip painting No. 5, 1948 sell for $140 million?

Intriguing and entertaining, The $12 Million Stuffed Shark is a Freakonomics approach to the economics and psychology of the contemporary art world. Why were record prices achieved at auction for works by 131 contemporary artists in 2006 alone, with astonishing new heights reached in 2007? Don Thompson explores the money, lust, and self-aggrandizement of the art world in an attempt to determine what makes a particular work valuable while others are ignored.